Unruly Heritage member and PhD Candidate in Archaeology at UiT, Anatolijs Venovcevs talks about his  2021 fieldwork in Twin Falls, Labrador in this news story from the Saltwire Network. Twin Falls was a hydroelectric power plant in operation only from 1962 to 1972 when the intake gates were welded shut and workers settlements were dismantled as Canada’s third largest power station at Churchill Falls came online. Venovcevs describes Twin Falls a unique time-capsule of 1960s hydroelectric technology in the province that has survived with much of its machinery intact because it is too expensive to remove. 

Venovcevs further explains his interest in Labrador’s recent industrial past in a radio interview with CBC that can be found here (starting at 8:30).  Joining the conversation is also PhD Student at Memorial University, James Williamson, who took part in the fieldwork and archaeological mapping of Twin Falls. 

For his PhD Venovcevs is investigating the twentieth century mining towns in Murmansk Region, Russia, Finnmark, Norway, and Labrador, Canada through an archaeological perspective.

Post Author: torgeir